For the "Bretheren of the Briar", we also offer a nice selection of pipes, tobaccos and accessories from great pipe and tobacco manufacturers including:
Butz Chogquin • Bjarne • Dunhill • Jensen •
Larsen • Nording • Peterson • Stanwell
Rain City Reserve
A mild bodied pipe tobacco blended here at Rain City Cigar. It has a rich vanilla bean flavor and a hint of brandy on the palate. Our best selling pipe tobacco by far!
Rain City Classic
An American classic. Smooth toasted burley cubes blended with Latakia and lemon Virginia Flake. Cased with a mild rum dressing. This blend produces a subtle, pleasing flavor and room aroma.
Midnight Reserve
A fire cured Cavendish tobacco discreetly vanilla flavored to produce an extremely mild, slow burning cool smoke.
A blend of Dark-Fired Kentucky tobacco that's been steamed to produce a delightful Canvendish. Topped with flavors of caramel, cream, and vanilla.
Black Cherry Reserve
A fire cured Cavendish tobacco flavored with a black cherry liquor to produce an extremely mild, aromatic smoke.
Emerald City
Blended with just the right proportion of Golden Virginia and Burleys, the basic blend of toasted Cavendish tobacco takes on a zesty dimension.
Golden Cavendish
A golden Cavendish blend but with a hint of fire cured blends to provide a scintillation taste and a flavorful aroma. A perennial favorite.
Holiday Spice
A pure black Cavendish flavored with notes of cinnamon and nutmeg, provides a cool, easy smoke with a room-note and flavor that's a bit off the beaten path.
Irish Creme
All bright tobaccos form the base of this blend while the delightful aromatic flavor of Irish Creme will always please both the smoker and those around them.
A sweet bodied Cavendish with a light finish of honey and vanilla. Light to mild in body, just right for the beginning smoker.
Buttered Rum Reserve
A light Cavendish tobacco flavored with a blend of dark bodied rums to produce a very pleasing aromatic smoke.
An all time favorite. #1 Grade American AAA Burley, Golden Cavendish, and Virginia tobaccos flavored with an exclusive Vanilla extract. Give the smoker a mild and sweet taste, with a very pleasant room aroma.
Dark Chocolate Supreme
A very rich and dark Cavendish, with the strong character of cocoa and raw vanilla beans. Medium to full bodied.

Seattle Store:
Address: 5963 Corson Ave South, Seattle, WA 98108
Phone: (206) 767-3619
Email: info.seattle@raincitycigar.com
Hours: Mon-Fri 9am-6pm | Sat 10am-5pm | Sun Closed
Bellevue Store:
Address: 1830 130th Ave NE, Bellevue, WA 98005
Email: info.bellevue@raincitycigar.com
Hours: Mon-Fri 10am-6pm | Sat 10am-5pm | Sun Closed
Kirkland Store:
Address: 115 Lake Street S, Kirkland, WA 98033
Phone: (425) 533-0139
Email: info.kirkland@raincitycigar.com
Hours: Mon-Fri 10am-6pm | Sat 10am-5pm | Sun Closed
© 2023 Rain City Cigar. All rights reserved.
The consumption of fine cigars and tobacco products is reserved for consenting adults.
Rain City Cigar does not sell to minors.
Rain City Cigar does not carry cigarettes or drug paraphernalia.